Health & Wellbeing

Student wellbeing is such a crucial concern at GPES, we always make sure we have effective systems and processes in place to monitor and manage it.

On the day-to-day, our teachers are constantly on the front line, assuming responsibility for each and every pupil in their care. Therefore, they are often expected to be the first to witness signs of any wellbeing and safeguarding concerns, but as with anything, they have a much better chance of noticing them when they know what it is they should be looking for.

To help support our team with this, we invested in some thorough training for all staff members in our school community. Whether this is during staff inset day or throughout the school year, to ensure everyone who needs to can access a session, training is essential to giving our teachers the knowledge they need and empowering them to better support our students.

We also at GPES want to create a place where community and diversity is celebrated – recognizing the rich cultural variation that exists in the student population. We want to create a space that is as inviting to international students as it is to domestic students. This takes the form of our Global Connections and Conversations groups.

With good facilities (e.g. quiet spaces, multipurpose room, different types of fields, conversation areas), GPES became somewhere that students were just happy to hang out, relax and have a moment away from the busyness of study.